In 2-3 sentences explain which context clues help you identify the meaning of the word vegetation in the first sentence.

The word "lush" suggests that the vegetation is abundant and thriving, while the mention of "jungle" implies a dense growth of plants and trees. These context clues indicate that "vegetation" refers to the plant life in the area being described.

To identify the meaning of the word "vegetation" in the first sentence, you can look for context clues such as descriptions of plants, nature, or the environment, as well as any terms or phrases that imply the presence of vegetation. These clues will give you a better understanding of what vegetation refers to in that particular sentence.

Without the specific sentence provided, it is difficult to identify the exact context clues that help determine the meaning of the word "vegetation." However, common context clues that often assist in understanding the meaning of "vegetation" include references to plants, foliage, or natural surroundings. Additionally, descriptions of landscapes or environments where plants are present may provide further context.