multiply 9√3 . 6√7

To multiply 9√3 by 6√7, you can multiply the numbers outside of the square root and the numbers inside of the square root separately.

First, multiply the numbers outside of the square root: 9 * 6 = 54.

Second, multiply the numbers inside of the square root: √3 * √7 = √(3 * 7) = √21.

Combining the results, you get 54√21.

To multiply two radical expressions, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the coefficients (the numbers outside the square roots)

In this case, the coefficients are 9 and 6, so the product of the coefficients is:

9 x 6 = 54

Step 2: Multiply the radicands (the numbers inside the square roots)

The radicands are √3 and √7. To multiply them, you simply multiply the numbers inside the square roots:

√3 x √7 = √(3 x 7) = √21

Step 3: Combine the result from Step 1 with the result from Step 2

The product of the two radical expressions is:


To multiply 9√3 by 6√7, we can use the distributive property of multiplication:

9√3 * 6√7 = (9 * 6) * (√3 * √7)

= 54√(3*7)

= 54√21

So, the product of 9√3 and 6√7 is 54√21.