Which of the following is NOT one of the themes of The Call of the Wild?

(1 point)

Primitive instincts rise to the surface.
Primitive instincts rise to the surface.

Love is blind.
Love is blind.

Only the strongest survive.

Love is blind.

The theme that is NOT one of the themes of The Call of the Wild is "Love is blind."

To determine which of the following is NOT one of the themes of The Call of the Wild, we need to analyze the themes individually and eliminate the one that does not apply.

1. Primitive instincts rise to the surface: The theme of primitive instincts rising to the surface is a significant element in The Call of the Wild. It explores how Buck, the main character, taps into his primal instincts and survival skills as he adapts to the harsh environment.

2. Love is blind: Love is indeed a theme explored in The Call of the Wild. Throughout the story, Buck forms deep connections with different characters and shows loyalty towards them, demonstrating love's influence in his actions.

3. Only the strongest survive: This theme is also present in The Call of the Wild. The novel emphasizes the survival of the fittest concept, highlighting how those with the necessary strength, whether physical or mental, are more likely to endure and thrive.

Based on the analysis, we can conclude that the theme "Only the strongest survive" is NOT one of the themes explored in The Call of the Wild.