Which choice represents velocity?(1 point) Responses 15 km/hr west 15 km/hr west 12 m/s2 12 m/s2 4 g/mL 4 g/mL 35 m/s

The choice that represents velocity is "35 m/s".

The choice that represents velocity is:

35 m/s.

To determine which choice represents velocity, we need to understand what velocity is.

Velocity is a physical quantity that describes the rate at which an object changes its position. It includes both the speed of the object and its direction. In other words, velocity specifies the object's speed and the direction it's moving in.

Now, let's analyze the choices:

1. 15 km/hr west: This choice represents velocity because it includes both the speed (15 km/hr) and the direction (west) that the object is moving.

2. 12 m/s2: This choice does not represent velocity. It represents acceleration, which is the rate at which an object changes its velocity.

3. 4 g/mL: This choice does not represent velocity. It represents density, which is the mass per unit volume of a substance.

4. 35 m/s: This choice does not represent velocity. It represents speed, which is the magnitude of velocity without considering direction.

Therefore, the choice that represents velocity is "15 km/hr west."