Which of these does need a virus need in order to survive?

A. A host cell to provide oxygen for the virus
B. New ADP from a host cell
C. A host cell to replicate the virus DNA
D. Chloroplasts from a host cell

C. A host cell to replicate the virus DNA

To determine which of these options a virus needs in order to survive, we need to understand basic aspects of viral biology.

Viruses are microscopic infectious agents that can only replicate inside the cells of living organisms, known as host cells. However, they do not respire like living organisms and therefore do not require oxygen for their survival. Let's go through each option to find the correct answer:

A. A host cell to provide oxygen for the virus: Viruses do not require oxygen for survival, so they do not need a host cell to provide oxygen. Therefore, this option is incorrect.

B. New ADP from a host cell: ADP (adenosine diphosphate) is a molecule involved in cellular energy metabolism, specifically in the synthesis of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Viruses do not require ADP or ATP for their survival as they lack their own metabolic machinery. Viruses rely on host cells to provide the necessary resources for replication. Therefore, this option is also incorrect.

C. A host cell to replicate the virus DNA: This option correctly highlights one of the essential requirements for a virus to survive. Upon infecting a host cell, a virus must use the host cell's machinery to replicate its own genetic material (DNA or RNA). The host cell's enzymes, proteins, and building blocks are utilized by the virus to produce new virus DNA. Thus, this option is correct.

D. Chloroplasts from a host cell: Chloroplasts are exclusive to plant cells and some protists, and they are responsible for photosynthesis. Viruses do not typically infect plants or utilize chloroplasts. Furthermore, viruses mainly infect animal cells, where chloroplasts are absent. Therefore, this option is incorrect.

In conclusion, the correct option is C. A virus needs a host cell to replicate its DNA.

C. A host cell to replicate the virus DNA