According to some Indigenous African religions, what are witches?

people believed to have magical power
people believed to have magical power

people who make medicines and amulets to protect others from witchcraft
people who make medicines and amulets to protect others from witchcraft

supernatural beings or lesser gods
supernatural beings or lesser gods

people viewed as both political and spiritual leaders

people viewed as both political and spiritual leaders

According to some Indigenous African religions, witches can be seen as people believed to have magical power. They may also be people who make medicines and amulets to protect others from witchcraft. In some cases, witches can be considered as supernatural beings or lesser gods. Additionally, in certain African cultures, witches can be viewed as both political and spiritual leaders.

According to some Indigenous African religions, witches are generally believed to be people who have magical powers. They are considered to possess abilities to manipulate supernatural forces and influence events in the physical world through their magical practices.

To understand this concept better, it is important to consult various resources such as books, articles, or academic studies on Indigenous African religions. These sources can provide specific information regarding the beliefs and practices of different African cultures and their understanding of witches.

Additionally, speaking with individuals who are knowledgeable about Indigenous African religions or participating in discussions and forums with experts in the field can also provide insights and a deeper understanding of the topic.