A)Almost everyone has a portable device these days. Cell phones, laptops, and video game players are some of these devices. We charge these devices so that we can use them on the go. The amount of remaining batter power is usually shown on these devices. The devices usually show the battery power left as a percentage. My computer is at 73% battery power. (2 points) 73% as a decimal would be . 73% as a simplified fraction would be B)After about 1,000 charges, smartphone batteries lose about one-fifth of their charging capacity. A brand new phone is currently at 78%. What would this phone's battery percentage show after 1,000 charging cycles? (round to the nearest whole number)(1 point) Responses 16% 16% 78% 78% 62% 62% 100% 100% Question 2 A)In the U.S., we represent money values with dollars and cents. There are 100 cents in a dollar. Amounts of money are represented with at most two decimal places (Ex: $4.25). Gas prices are often shown to have more than two decimal places. A gallon of gas costs $3.3842 at Buc-ee's in Daytona Beach, Florida. Use this gas price to round the gas price to the nearest cent (hint: the nearest cent is the hundredths place). (1 point) 0 / 50 Word Limit B)You need to stop for gas at Buc-ee's and your car has a gas tank that will hold 14.25 gallons. It is on empty. How much will it cost to fill up the tank using the rounded price of gas from the previous question? You will need to round your cost to the nearest cent. (1 point) Responses $48.22 $48.22 $48.17 $48.17 $4.22 $4.22 $48.50 $48.50 C)Express the price per gallon of gas as a mixed number. Use $3.38 as the price. (You can use the ∑ symbol to type in a fraction). (1 point) 0 / 50 Word Limit Question 3 A)You are shopping in Buc-ee's after you filled up your gas tank and find some things you want to buy. You buy a large drink for $0.99, some cookie dough bites for $2.99, a phone charger for $10.25, and a chicken wrap for $7.29. How much do your items cost all together? (1 point) 0 / 50 Word Limit B)Now you need to find how much tax you will pay for your items. Use your total cost from the previous question and find the amount of tax you will pay if the tax rate is 6%. (Hint: remember to change the percent to a decimal). Round to the nearest cent. (1 point) Responses $129.12 $129.12 $12.91 $12.91 $1.29 $1.29 $0.13 $0.13 C)What is the total cost of your items, including tax? (1 point)


A) To convert 73% to a decimal, divide 73 by 100:

73 ÷ 100 = 0.73

To convert 73% to a simplified fraction, write it as a fraction with 100 as the denominator and simplify if possible:
73% = 73/100

B) After about 1,000 charging cycles, a smartphone battery loses one-fifth of its charging capacity. To find the battery percentage after 1,000 charging cycles, multiply the current battery percentage by 4/5:
78% * 4/5 = 0.78 * 0.8 = 0.624

Rounding 0.624 to the nearest whole number, the phone's battery percentage would show 62%.

A) The gas price is $3.3842. To round it to the nearest cent, we look at the hundredths place, which is the second decimal place. Since the digit in the thousandths place is 4, which is less than 5, we round down the hundredths place:
$3.3842 rounded to the nearest cent = $3.38

B) The gas tank can hold 14.25 gallons of gas. To calculate the cost of filling up the tank, multiply the rounded gas price by the number of gallons:
$3.38 * 14.25 = $48.165

Rounding $48.165 to the nearest cent, the cost to fill up the tank would be $48.17.

C) The price per gallon of gas is $3.38. To express it as a mixed number, divide the whole dollar amount by the number of cents. In this case, the whole dollar amount is 3 and the cents in the price is 38:

$3.38 = 3 + 38/100 = 3 + 19/50

Question 3:
A) To find the total cost of the items, add up the prices:
0.99 + 2.99 + 10.25 + 7.29 = $21.52

B) The tax rate is 6%. To find the amount of tax, multiply the total cost by 6/100 (or 0.06):
$21.52 * 6/100 = $1.2912

Rounding $1.2912 to the nearest cent, the amount of tax to be paid would be $1.29.

C) To find the total cost including tax, add the total cost of items and the tax:
$21.52 + $1.29 = $22.81

A) To convert a percentage to a decimal, divide the percentage by 100. So to convert 73% to a decimal, divide 73 by 100:

73% ÷ 100 = 0.73

So 73% as a decimal is 0.73.

To convert a percentage to a simplified fraction, divide the percentage by 100 and simplify if necessary. In this case, 73% can be simplified by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 73:

73% ÷ 100 = 73/100

This fraction cannot be simplified further, so 73% as a simplified fraction is 73/100.

B) After 1,000 charging cycles, a smartphone battery loses one-fifth of its charging capacity. To find out what percentage the battery will show after 1,000 charging cycles, multiply the initial percentage by (1 - 1/5) or 4/5. In this case, the initial percentage is 78%:

78% × (4/5) = 0.78 × (4/5) = 0.624

To convert this decimal to a percentage, multiply it by 100:

0.624 × 100 = 62.4%

Rounded to the nearest whole number, the phone's battery percentage would show 62%.

Question 2:

A) To round a decimal to the nearest cent, look at the hundredths place. If it is 5 or greater, round up. If it is less than 5, round down. In this case, the gas price is $3.3842. The hundredths place is 8, which is greater than 5. So we round up:

$3.3842 rounded to the nearest cent is $3.39.

B) To find the cost of filling up a 14.25-gallon tank with the rounded gas price of $3.39, multiply the number of gallons by the rounded price:

14.25 gallons × $3.39 = $48.3075

Rounded to the nearest cent, the cost to fill up the tank would be $48.31.

C) To express the price per gallon of gas as a mixed number using $3.38, we can divide 3.38 by 1 to get a whole number and a fraction:

3.38 ÷ 1 = 3 with a fraction remainder of 0.38

The fraction remainder, 0.38, can be expressed as a fraction by writing it over 1:


So the price per gallon of gas would be 3 and 0.38/1.

Question 3:

A) To find the total cost of the items you bought, simply add up all the individual costs:

$0.99 + $2.99 + $10.25 + $7.29 = $21.52

So the total cost of your items is $21.52.

B) To find the amount of tax you will pay if the tax rate is 6%, multiply the total cost by the tax rate expressed as a decimal (6% = 0.06):

$21.52 × 0.06 = $1.2912

Rounded to the nearest cent, the amount of tax you will pay is $1.29.

C) To find the total cost of your items including tax, add the total cost and the tax amount:

$21.52 + $1.29 = $22.81

So the total cost of your items, including tax, is $22.81.