How did the Supreme Court decision in Worcester v. Georgia and the Indian Removal Act lead to the removal and resettlement of Native American groups?

make it second grader approved in 2 sentences

The Supreme Court said that only the federal government could make decisions about Native American lands, but President Andrew Jackson ignored the decision and passed the Indian Removal Act. This allowed the government to force Native American groups to leave their homelands and move to different areas in the west of the United States.

Sure, I'll simplify the answer for a second-grade level:

The Supreme Court in Worcester v. Georgia said that Native American tribes had the right to live on their own land. But the president, Andrew Jackson, ignored the court's decision and passed the Indian Removal Act, which forced Native Americans to leave their homes and move to new lands far away.

In the Supreme Court case Worcester v. Georgia, they said that the Native Americans had a right to stay on their land. But then, President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act, which forced them to move because he wanted their land for settlers. So, the Supreme Court decision was ignored and many Native American groups were forced to leave their homes and go to different places.