A store selling ribbons by the yarn Mike bought eight yards of red ribbon each yard cost three dollars and $0.50 complete and solve the working equation that represents the amount a Mike paid for buying 8 yards of ribbon

Let's call the amount Mike paid for buying 8 yards of ribbon "x".

Since each yard costs $3 and there are 8 yards, the total cost for the 8 yards of ribbon is 8 * $3 = $<<8*3=24>>24.

Additionally, Mike paid $0.50 for the ribbon.

Therefore, the working equation that represents the amount Mike paid for buying 8 yards of ribbon is x = $24 + $0.50.

To find the amount Mike paid for buying 8 yards of ribbon, we can use the equation:

Amount paid = (cost per yard) * (number of yards)

In this case, the cost per yard is $3.50 (3 dollars + $0.50) and the number of yards is 8.

So, the working equation would be:

Amount paid = $3.50 * 8

To solve the equation:

Amount paid = $28.00

Therefore, Mike paid $28.00 for buying 8 yards of ribbon.

To find the amount that Mike paid for buying 8 yards of ribbon, we need to multiply the cost per yard by the number of yards.

Let's start by calculating the cost of a single yard of ribbon:

Cost per yard = $3.00 + $0.50 = $3.50

Now, we can calculate the total amount that Mike paid for 8 yards of ribbon:

Total amount paid = Cost per yard * Number of yards
= $3.50 * 8
= $28.00

So, Mike paid a total of $28.00 for buying 8 yards of ribbon.