Daisy has 6 more than three times as many seashells as Lucy. Daisy has 36 seashells. How many does Lucy have?(1 point) Responses 14 14 90 90 10 10 126

Let's assume the number of seashells Lucy has is L.

Since Daisy has 6 more than three times as many seashells as Lucy, we can form the equation: 3L + 6 = 36.
Subtracting 6 from both sides, we get 3L = 36 - 6, which simplifies to 3L = 30.
Dividing both sides by 3, we get L = 30/3 = 10.
Therefore, Lucy has 10 seashells.

Let's calculate the number of seashells Lucy has using the given information.

We are told that Daisy has 6 more than three times as many seashells as Lucy, and we know that Daisy has 36 seashells.

Let's set up an equation where x represents the number of seashells Lucy has:

Daisy's seashells = 6 + 3 * Lucy's seashells
36 = 6 + 3x

To solve for x, let's subtract 6 from both sides of the equation:

36 - 6 = 6 + 3x - 6
30 = 3x

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 3 to isolate x:

30/3 = 3x/3
10 = x

Therefore, Lucy has 10 seashells.

To find out how many seashells Lucy has, we need to follow the information given in the question.

First, we are told that Daisy has 6 more than three times as many seashells as Lucy. So, we can set up an equation for this relationship:

Daisy's seashells = 6 + 3 * Lucy's seashells

We are also given that Daisy has 36 seashells. Substituting this value into the equation:

36 = 6 + 3 * Lucy's seashells

To isolate Lucy's seashells, we can subtract 6 from both sides of the equation:

36 - 6 = 3 * Lucy's seashells
30 = 3 * Lucy's seashells

Next, we divide both sides of the equation by 3 to solve for Lucy's seashells:

30 / 3 = Lucy's seashells
10 = Lucy's seashells

Therefore, Lucy has 10 seashells.


Great! So the correct answer is Lucy has 10 seashells.