These objects are weighed as shown.

Which ball requires the strongest force to lift?

(1 point)

The baseball requires the strongest force to lift because it has the highest amount of material in it.
The baseball requires the strongest force to lift because it has the highest amount of material in it.

The beach ball requires the strongest force to lift because it has the largest size.
The beach ball requires the strongest force to lift because it has the largest size.

The golf ball requires the strongest force to lift because it has the smallest size.
The golf ball requires the strongest force to lift because it has the smallest size.

The soccer ball requires the strongest force to lift because it has the most mass.

The soccer ball requires the strongest force to lift because it has the most mass.

The soccer ball requires the strongest force to lift because it has the most mass.

To determine which ball requires the strongest force to lift, you must consider the mass of each ball. The force required to lift an object depends on its mass. The greater the mass, the stronger the force required to lift it.

In this case, you can compare the masses of the different balls.

One way to do this is by using a balance scale. Place each ball on the scale and observe the readings. The reading on the scale will indicate the mass of each ball. The ball with the highest mass will require the strongest force to lift.

Alternatively, you can also compare the sizes of the balls. Generally, larger objects tend to have greater mass, assuming the materials are the same. If the balls are made of the same material, the ball with the largest size is likely to have the highest mass and therefore require the strongest force to lift.

Therefore, in this case, the soccer ball requires the strongest force to lift because it has the most mass.