Which of the following property positions the element with respect to the window and the element doesn't move even on page scroll?

position: static

position: fixed

position: absolute

position: relative

position: fixed

The position property that positions the element with respect to the window and keeps it fixed on the page scroll is "position: fixed".

The CSS property that positions an element with respect to the window and keeps it fixed even when the page is scrolled is the "position: fixed" property.

To understand this, it's important to first understand the different positioning properties in CSS:

1. "position: static" is the default positioning property. It means that the element will flow naturally in the document flow and is not affected by any positioning properties.

2. "position: fixed" positions the element relative to the browser window, regardless of scrolling. It effectively creates a fixed position element that stays in the same place even when the user scrolls the page.

3. "position: absolute" positions the element relative to its closest positioned ancestor. If there is no positioned ancestor, it positions the element relative to the initial containing block (usually the browser window).

4. "position: relative" positions the element relative to its normal position, giving you the ability to adjust its position using the top, right, bottom, and left properties.

In the given options, the correct answer is "position: fixed" because it specifically meets the requirement of keeping the element fixed even when the page is scrolled.