A(n) _______ is a substance that helps in the chemical digestion of food.

An enzyme is a substance that helps in the chemical digestion of food.

An enzyme is a substance that helps in the chemical digestion of food.

A(n) enzyme is a substance that helps in the chemical digestion of food.

To determine this, one can follow these steps:

1. Understand the concept of digestion: Digestion is the process in which food is broken down into smaller molecules that can be absorbed and utilized by the body.

2. Know the types of digestion: Digestion can be categorized into two types - mechanical digestion and chemical digestion. In mechanical digestion, food is physically broken down into smaller pieces through actions like chewing and churning. In chemical digestion, the enzymes break down complex food substances into simpler molecules that can be absorbed.

3. Identify the substances involved: In chemical digestion, various substances play crucial roles, including enzymes. Enzymes are proteins that speed up chemical reactions in the body.

4. Associate enzymes with digestion: Enzymes are responsible for the breakdown of specific foods, such as carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids, into smaller, more easily digestible molecules. They help in the breakdown of complex food molecules into simpler components.

5. Recall the definition: Based on the understanding of digestion and the role of enzymes, you can conclude that a substance that helps in the chemical digestion of food is an enzyme.