Which of the following is the correct syntax to write a function in JavaScript?

function functionName() {
func functionName() {
def functionName() {
functionName function {

The correct syntax to write a function in JavaScript is:

function functionName() {

The correct syntax to write a function in JavaScript is:

function functionName() {

The correct syntax to write a function in JavaScript is:

function functionName() {

In JavaScript, a function is defined using the "function" keyword, followed by the name of the function, parentheses () for the parameters (if any), and then curly braces {} to enclose the function body. The function name should be written after the "function" keyword, and it should follow the rules for variable naming in JavaScript (e.g., start with a letter, can include letters, digits, underscores, etc.). Inside the curly braces, you write the code that the function will execute when it is called.

Out of the options you provided, only the first one follows the correct syntax for defining a function in JavaScript.