
Much Sumerian art was created as _______.
(1 point)
religious pieces.

B) religious pieces.

Much Sumerian art was created as religious pieces.

To determine the correct answer to the question, "A) Much Sumerian art was created as _______," we need to consider the information about Sumerian art. Sumerians were an ancient civilization that lived in Mesopotamia, in what is now modern-day Iraq, around 4,000 to 2,400 BCE.

First, let's examine the options:

1. Propaganda: Propaganda is the dissemination of information or ideas to influence public opinion. While Sumerian art could serve as a form of communication, it is unlikely that propaganda played a significant role in their artwork.

2. Religious pieces: Sumerians had a polytheistic religion, worshipping numerous gods and goddesses. They believed that art served as a means to connect with the divine. Therefore, religious pieces were a common focus of Sumerian art.

3. Monuments: Monuments typically represent a significant event or individual and are meant to commemorate or memorialize. While Sumerians did create sculptures and structures, they were not necessarily focused on monumental art in the same way as later civilizations.

4. Decoration: Sumerian art did serve a decorative purpose. They adorned their temples, palaces, and other structures with intricate carvings, mosaics, and friezes.

Now, considering the information we have gathered, it is evident that the most accurate answer is "religious pieces." Sumerian art was primarily created as a form of religious expression, using sculpture, relief carvings, and other art forms to depict gods, goddesses, and religious rituals.