
Sumerians were the first people to use the _______ shape for religious structures.
(1 point)


The Sumerians were the first people to use the pyramid shape for religious structures.

To find the answer to this question, you can do a quick search on the internet.

1. Open a web browser and go to a search engine like Google.
2. Type in the search query "Sumerians first people to use shape for religious structures".
3. Look for reliable sources, such as educational websites or articles from reputable sources.
4. Click on relevant search results that provide information about ancient Sumerian architecture or religious structures.
5. Look for information about the shapes used by the Sumerians in their religious structures.
6. After reading through the information provided, you will find that the answer is a pyramid. The Sumerians were indeed the first people to use pyramid shapes for religious structures.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is "pyramid".