Which of the following properties sets the boldness of the text?



None of the options



The property that sets the boldness of the text is "font-weight."

The property that sets the boldness of the text is "font-weight". To determine the correct answer, we need to understand how different properties affect the appearance of text.

The "font-weight" property determines the level of boldness for the text. It can be set to various values such as "normal", "bold", "lighter", "bolder", or numerical values like 100, 200, 300, etc. A higher numerical value or the keyword "bold" will make the text appear bolder.

On the other hand, the "font-size" property controls the size of the text. It can be set to different values like pixels, ems, or percentages to specify the desired size.

"font-family" refers to the typeface or font style that the text will be displayed in. It can be set to specific font names or a series of fallback fonts to ensure compatibility across different devices.

Based on the given options, the correct answer is "font-weight" because it specifically determines the boldness of the text.