Draw the structure for meso-,-dibromopentane. Be sure to indicate stereochemistry using wedge and dashed bonds.

Here is the structure for meso-,-dibromopentane:

Br Br
| |
H - C - C - C - C - H
| |
Br Br

To draw the structure for meso-,-dibromopentane and indicate stereochemistry using wedge and dashed bonds, follow these steps:

1. Start by drawing a straight line to represent the carbon backbone of pentane.

2. Label each carbon atom in numerical order from 1 to 5.

3. Place two bromine atoms (Br) on carbon atoms 2 and 3.

4. To indicate stereochemistry, draw a wedge bond on carbon atom 2 and a dashed bond on carbon atom 3, both pointing away from you. This represents the two bromine atoms coming out of the plane of the paper.

5. Add two more hydrogen atoms (H) on carbon atom 4 and 5.

The final structure for meso-,-dibromopentane with indicated stereochemistry using wedge and dashed bonds should look like this:

Br H
| |
H - C - C - C - H
| |
Br H

Note that the molecule is symmetric, which is why it is called meso-. The two bromine atoms are on the same side of the molecule, but the stereochemistry is indicated by the different orientation of the bonds.

To draw the structure for meso-,-dibromopentane with indicated stereochemistry, follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by drawing the carbon backbone. Since it is a pentane, draw a straight chain of five carbon atoms.

| | | |
H - C - C - C - C - C - H
| | | |
Br Br

Step 2: Now, assign the stereochemistry by determining the isomers. For meso isomers, there must be an internal plane of symmetry. In this case, the plane of symmetry passes through the second and fourth carbon atom, indicated by the dashed line in the diagram.

| | | |
H - C - C = C - C - H
| |
Br Br

Step 3: Next, add the bromine atoms to the appropriate carbon atoms. Since it is "meso-,-dibromopentane," there are two bromine atoms. Attach one bromine atom to the first carbon and the other bromine atom to the third carbon. Draw them as wedges or dashes to indicate their stereochemistry.

Br H H H
| | | |
H - C - C = C - C - H
| |
Br Br

In this diagram, the bromine atoms are shown as wedges, indicating that they are coming out of the plane of the paper towards you. The hydrogen atoms are shown as lines, indicating they are in the plane of the paper. This representation helps to convey the three-dimensional structure of the compound with its stereochemistry.