Subtract 8sqrt(23) - sqrt(23) (1 point)

O 8sqrt(46)


O 7sqrt(46)


The correct answer is 7sqrt(23)

To subtract 8√(23) - √(23), we need to combine like terms.

√(23) is the common term in both expressions, so we can subtract them.

8√(23) - √(23) = (8 - 1)√(23) = 7√(23)

Therefore, the answer is 7√(23).

To subtract the two square roots, you need to follow these steps:

1. First, notice that both terms have the same square root, sqrt(23), so you can factor it out: sqrt(23)(8 - 1).

2. Simplify the expression inside the parentheses by subtracting the numbers: sqrt(23)(7).

3. Finally, combine the square root term with the simplified expression: 7sqrt(23).

Therefore, the correct answer is 7sqrt(23).