There are 5 turtles for every 6 sea lions at a zoo. How many turtles are there if there are 18 sea lions

According to the given ratio, there are 5 turtles for every 6 sea lions.

To find the number of turtles, we need to determine how many groups of 5 turtles there are for 18 sea lions.

Since 6 sea lions form one group, we divide 18 sea lions by 6: 18/6 = 3 groups.

Each group consists of 5 turtles, so we multiply the number of groups by 5: 3 * 5 = 15 turtles.

Therefore, there are 15 turtles if there are 18 sea lions.

First, we need to find the ratio of turtles to sea lions in order to determine the number of turtles.

The given information states that there are 5 turtles for every 6 sea lions.

To find the number of turtles, we need to set up a proportion.

Let "x" represent the number of turtles:

5 turtles / 6 sea lions = x turtles / 18 sea lions

Now we can cross multiply:

5 * 18 = 6 * x

90 = 6x

To solve for x (the number of turtles), divide both sides of the equation by 6:

90 / 6 = 6x / 6

15 = x

So, there are 15 turtles if there are 18 sea lions.

To determine the number of turtles if there are 18 sea lions, we need to use the ratio between turtles and sea lions given in the problem.

The ratio provided states that there are 5 turtles for every 6 sea lions. This means that for every 6 sea lions, there are 5 turtles.

To find the number of turtles, we first need to determine the number of groups of 6 sea lions we have. We can do this by dividing the total number of sea lions (18) by the number of sea lions in each group (6):

Number of groups of 6 sea lions = 18 ÷ 6 = 3 groups

Since there are 3 groups of 6 sea lions, we can multiply this number by the number of turtles in each group (5) to find the total number of turtles:

Total number of turtles = Number of groups × Number of turtles in each group
= 3 groups × 5 turtles per group
= 15 turtles

Therefore, if there are 18 sea lions, there would be 15 turtles.