The League of Nations failed to prevent the territorial expansion of the ____________ during the ____________.

Axis Powers, 1930s
Allied Powers, 1930s
Axis Powers 1940s
Allied Powers 1940s

Axis Powers, 1930s

The League of Nations failed to prevent the territorial expansion of the Axis Powers during the 1930s.

The correct answer is the Axis Powers during the 1930s.

To arrive at this conclusion, we need to understand the League of Nations and its role in preventing territorial expansion. The League of Nations was established after World War I as an international organization to promote collective security and prevent future wars. However, it had limited powers and lacked the ability to enforce its decisions.

During the 1930s, the Axis Powers, consisting of Germany, Italy, and Japan, pursued aggressive territorial expansion. Germany, under Nazi rule, annexed Austria and Czechoslovakia, while Italy invaded Ethiopia, and Japan invaded Manchuria and other territories in East Asia.

The League of Nations, despite some attempts, failed to effectively prevent or deter these aggressions. It struggled to take strong action against the Axis Powers due to various factors such as lack of unity among its member states, appeasement policies, and the League's limited authority.

Therefore, the League of Nations failed to prevent the territorial expansion of the Axis Powers during the 1930s.