In which region of Africa did the Songhai empire exist?

Central Africa
East Africa
West Africa
Southern Africa

The Songhai empire existed in West Africa.

The Songhai Empire existed in West Africa.

The Songhai Empire existed in the West Africa region.

To find the answer, you can start by doing a basic internet search using the keywords "Songhai Empire." The search results will provide you with various sources, such as textbooks, articles, or academic websites, where you can find detailed information about the empire.

One reliable source to consult is a reputable history textbook. Look for chapters or sections that cover the empires and civilizations of Africa. These textbooks often provide historical context and information about the expansion and location of different empires, including the Songhai Empire.

Additionally, you can explore educational websites that focus on African history. These websites often provide concise summaries of various African civilizations, including their location and historical significance, making it easier to find the information you need.

Remember to cross-reference the information you find from multiple sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.