What is MOST likely TRUE about a person who has a healthy diet?

(1 point)
• They eat occasional treats
O They avoid all fats and sugars
• They have a negative body-image
• They maintain the same weight.

• They eat occasional treats

The most likely true statement about a person who has a healthy diet is that they eat occasional treats.

To determine what is most likely true about a person who has a healthy diet, we will evaluate each option.

Option 1: They eat occasional treats.
This is a likely statement about a person with a healthy diet. A healthy diet is not about complete restriction but rather emphasizes balance and moderation. Including occasional treats in a healthy diet is reasonable as long as the overall balance and nutritional requirements are maintained.

Option 2: They avoid all fats and sugars.
This statement is less likely to be true. Healthy eating includes consuming good fats, such as those found in nuts and avocados, and natural sugars from fruits. Total avoidance of all fats and sugars may not be realistic or necessary for a healthy diet.

Option 3: They have a negative body-image.
There is no direct correlation between having a healthy diet and having a negative body image. A person's body image is influenced by various factors beyond just their food choices, such as societal influences, genetics, and personal experiences.

Option 4: They maintain the same weight.
This statement is not necessarily true. While a healthy diet can support weight maintenance, it does not guarantee that a person will maintain the same weight. Factors like physical activity level, overall calorie intake, and individual metabolism also play a role in weight management.

In conclusion, the most likely true statement about a person who has a healthy diet is that they eat occasional treats. However, it's important to note that each individual's healthy diet may vary based on their unique needs and preferences.