Erica needs to improve her time management skills. How will she MOST likely benefit from better time management?

(1 point)
• She will develop a positive body image.
• She will have more time to procrastinate
O She will feel less anxious about upcoming tasks.
• She will become more self-aware and determined.

• She will feel less anxious about upcoming tasks.

Erica will most likely benefit from better time management by feeling less anxious about upcoming tasks.

The most likely benefit that Erica will experience from improving her time management skills is that she will feel less anxious about upcoming tasks.

To understand why this is the most likely benefit, let's break it down. Time management involves effectively planning and allocating time to different tasks and responsibilities. By doing so, Erica will be able to prioritize her tasks, set clear goals, and create a structured schedule for herself.

With better time management, Erica will have a better understanding of how long each task takes and will be able to plan accordingly. This will help her avoid procrastination, as she will have a better grasp of her deadlines and will be able to start and complete tasks in a timely manner.

As a result, Erica will experience less anxiety about upcoming tasks. She will feel more in control of her time and be able to manage her workload more effectively. By staying on top of her responsibilities and avoiding last-minute rushes, Erica will be able to approach her tasks with a calm and confident mindset.

While the other options mentioned (positive body image, having more time to procrastinate, becoming more self-aware and determined) can also have some positive impact on an individual, the most likely benefit from better time management is a decrease in anxiety about upcoming tasks.