Which of the following is a unit of density?

a) Cubic meters

b) Square meters

c) Liters per cubic gram

d) Kilograms per cubic centimeter

d) Kilograms per cubic centimeter

The correct answer is d) Kilograms per cubic centimeter.

Density is a measure of how much mass is contained in a given volume of a substance. It is typically represented by units of mass divided by units of volume. In this case, the unit of mass is kilograms (kg), and the unit of volume is cubic centimeter (cm³).

To determine the unit of density, you need to know the units of mass and volume in the given options. Let's examine each option:

a) Cubic meters: Cubic meters (m³) is a unit of volume, not mass. Therefore, it does not represent the unit of density.

b) Square meters: Square meters (m²) is a unit of area, not volume or mass. It is also not applicable to density.

c) Liters per cubic gram: Liters (L) is a unit of volume, but cubic gram is not a standard unit. Since it does not match the required units of mass (kilograms) and volume (cubic centimeter), it does not represent the unit of density.

d) Kilograms per cubic centimeter: This option has the correct units of mass (kilograms) and volume (cubic centimeter) for density. Kilograms per cubic centimeter (kg/cm³) is the unit used to measure density.

Therefore, the correct unit of density is d) Kilograms per cubic centimeter.

d) Kilograms per cubic centimeter