Indicate whether the following statement is true or false. A servitude lapses when the owner of the servient tenement passes away.



B. False

To determine whether the statement is true or false, we need to understand what a servitude is and how it relates to the owner of the servient tenement.

A servitude is a legal right or privilege that one party (known as the dominant tenement) has over another party's property (known as the servient tenement). It grants the holder certain rights or restrictions when it comes to using the servient tenement.

Now, let's consider the statement: "A servitude lapses when the owner of the servient tenement passes away."

To determine the accuracy of this statement, we need to consider the nature of a servitude. A servitude is typically attached to the land and not tied to the owner of the servient tenement. This means that the servitude generally continues even if the owner of the servient tenement changes. So, in most cases, the death of the owner does not result in the lapse of the servitude.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

B. False

B. False

A servitude does not automatically lapse when the owner of the servient tenement passes away. Servitudes are attached to the property and typically continue to exist regardless of changes in ownership.