Which statement is correct about the flow of thermal energy inside Earth?(1 point)

Energy flow inside the mantle causes magma to rise.
Energy flow inside the crust causes magma to sink deeper.
Energy flow inside the crust causes magma to rise.
Energy flow inside the mantle causes magma to sink deeper

Energy flow inside the mantle causes magma to rise.

The correct statement about the flow of thermal energy inside Earth is: Energy flow inside the mantle causes magma to rise.

To determine which statement is correct about the flow of thermal energy inside Earth, we should understand the process of convection. Convection is the primary mechanism through which heat is transferred inside the Earth.

Inside the Earth's interior, the mantle is a semi-solid layer composed of hot rock. The heat from the mantle causes a convection current, where hot material rises and cooler material sinks. This convection current is responsible for the movement of tectonic plates and is known as mantle convection.

As a result of mantle convection, the movement within the Earth's crust occurs. When the mantle's heat causes material to rise towards the surface, it can melt and form magma, which then leads to volcanic activity. Thus, the correct statement is: Energy flow inside the mantle causes magma to rise.

So, option 1, "Energy flow inside the mantle causes magma to rise," is the correct statement about the flow of thermal energy inside Earth.