

Watch out for cars when crossing the street.

Watch out for cars when crossing the street.

To emphasize the importance of being cautious while crossing the street, you can consider using the following formatting options:

1. **Bold**: Using bold can make the text stand out and grab the reader's attention. For example, you can write: "Watch out for cars **when crossing the street**."

2. *Italics*: Italics can be used to add emphasis or provide a slight distinction to a specific phrase. For instance, you can write: "Watch out for cars *when crossing the street*."

3. Underline: Although underlining is not commonly used in digital text, you can achieve the effect by using HTML tags. For example, you can write: "Watch out for cars when crossing the street."

Remember to use these formatting options selectively to avoid excessive emphasis and maintain proper readability.

To emphasize certain parts of a sentence, you can use different formatting styles such as bold, italics, and underline. Here's how you can apply them to the sentence "Watch out for cars when crossing the street":

1. Bold: To make a text bold, you can enclose the desired words or sentence between two sets of double asterisks (**) or two sets of double underscores (__). For example, **Watch out for cars when crossing the street**.

2. Italics: To italicize a text, you can enclose the desired words or sentence between a single asterisk (*) or a single underscore (_). For example, *Watch out for cars when crossing the street*.

3. Underline: Unfortunately, there is no standard Markdown or plain text method to underline text. Generally, underlining is more commonly used in word processing software or HTML.