Of the following traits, which one is acquired (i.e., not inherited)?(1 point) Responses eye shape eye shape fingernail length fingernail length skin tone skin tone number and presence of dimples number and presence of dimples

The trait "fingernail length" is acquired (not inherited).

Of the traits you mentioned, the one that is acquired (not inherited) is the fingernail length. This trait can be influenced by factors such as personal grooming habits, nail care, and lifestyle choices. Eye shape, skin tone, and the number and presence of dimples are all primarily genetically determined and inherited from parents.

To determine which of the given traits is acquired (not inherited), you need to understand the difference between acquired traits and inherited traits.

Inherited traits are characteristics that are passed down from biological parents to their offspring through genes. They are determined by our genetic makeup and typically remain relatively consistent throughout our lives.

Acquired traits, on the other hand, are characteristics that are obtained or developed during an individual's lifetime as a result of environmental factors, lifestyle choices, or personal experiences.

Now, let's analyze the traits provided to identify which one is acquired:

1. Eye shape: Eye shape is primarily determined by genetics and is therefore an inherited trait.

2. Fingernail length: Fingernail length can vary based on personal grooming habits, care, and maintenance. Therefore, it is an acquired trait.

3. Skin tone: Skin tone is primarily determined by the amount and type of melanin in the skin, which is determined by genetics. While sun exposure can temporarily darken the skin, the baseline skin tone is inherited. Thus, skin tone is an inherited trait.

4. Number and presence of dimples: Dimples are formed due to variations in the structure of facial muscles and tissues. They are typically inherited, so the number and presence of dimples are mostly an inherited trait.

Based on this analysis, the trait that is acquired (not inherited) is fingernail length.