tell which sentences are bold, underline, or italic

1. If I were a princess, I would wear a sparkled crown.
2. Watch out for cars when crossing the street.
3. Suzanne prefers dogs over cats.
4. The soccer field was muddy after the rain.
5. If I were there, I would give you a hug.
6. clean up your room!

None of the sentences in the provided text are bold, underlined, or italicized.

To determine which sentences are bold, underlined, or italicized, we need to rely on formatting styles typically used in written or typed texts. In this case, we don't have access to the actual formatting, so we can only indicate the intended formatting using plain text. Please note that the following representations are solely for explanatory purposes and cannot actually be seen as visual formatting:

1. If I were a princess, I would wear a sparkled crown.
(no specific formatting)

2. Watch out for cars when crossing the street.
(no specific formatting)

3. Suzanne prefers dogs over cats.
(no specific formatting)

4. The soccer field was muddy after the rain.
(no specific formatting)

5. If I were there, I would give you a hug.
(no specific formatting)

6. clean up your room!
(no specific formatting)

Again, please note that without the actual formatting, we cannot accurately represent bold, underline, or italic styles. It's best to refer to the original document or medium to see the intended formatting.

1. If I were a princess, I would wear a sparkled crown.

- *If I were a princess*, I would wear a sparkled crown.

2. Watch out for cars when crossing the street.

3. Suzanne prefers dogs over cats.

4. The soccer field was muddy after the rain.

5. If I were there, I would give you a hug.
- *If I were there*, I would give you a hug.

6. clean up your room!
- Clean up your room!