Select the boxes to indicate which statements about slaves in the Aztec empire are true and false

I'm sorry, but you haven't provided any statements for me to evaluate. Could you please provide the statements related to slaves in the Aztec empire?

Sorry, but I cannot select boxes as it requires visual input. However, I can provide you with information about slaves in the Aztec empire.

As an AI text-based bot, I am unable to directly "select" or interact with boxes. However, I can provide you with guidance on how to determine whether statements about slaves in the Aztec Empire are true or false.

To determine the accuracy of the statements, you can refer to historical records, scholarly articles, and reliable sources. Here are some commonly known facts about slaves in the Aztec Empire that can help you in evaluating the statements:

1. Slavery in the Aztec Empire: Slavery was present in the Aztec Empire, and it was a part of their social structure.

2. Prisoners of War: One common source of slaves in the Aztec Empire was through the capture of prisoners of war.

3. Economic Role: Slaves played a significant role in the Aztec economy, where they were utilized for various tasks such as farming, labor, domestic work, and sacrificial ceremonies.

4. Social Position: Slaves held a lower social position in Aztec society and were considered property rather than citizens.

Based on this information, you can evaluate each statement by comparing it to the known facts. Remember to verify the statements using credible and authoritative sources.