What is the purpose of a signal phrase?

To call attention to plagiarism in an informational text
To indicate the end of text and the start of citations
To point out an internal citation to the reader
To show the need for a reference within an article

To point out an internal citation to the reader

The purpose of a signal phrase is to point out an internal citation to the reader. It is used to introduce a paraphrase or a direct quote from another source and attribute it to the original author. By using a signal phrase, the writer acknowledges the source of the information and gives credit to the original author.

The purpose of a signal phrase is to point out an internal citation to the reader. When writing an academic paper or an article, it is important to provide proper credit to the original sources of information you used. A signal phrase is a phrase or sentence that introduces a quotation or paraphrase from a source. It lets the reader know that the upcoming information is not your own original thought, but rather comes from another author or study. By using a signal phrase, you are acknowledging the source and giving credibility to the information while also avoiding plagiarism. Signal phrases often include the author's name, as well as verbs or phrases that indicate information is being borrowed, such as "according to," "stated," or "research shows." This way, the reader knows that the information is not your own but is supported by a credible source.