Grade 12 Chemistry

_________ solids consist of atoms or molecules held together by dipole-dipole forces, London dispersion forces, and/or hydrogen bonds.
Question 24 options:

a) Metallic
b) Ionic
c) Covalent
d) Metallic and covalent network
e) Covalent network

is the correct answer is c) Covalent?

The correct answer is e) Covalent network.

No, the correct answer is e) Covalent network.

Covalent network solids consist of atoms or molecules held together by strong covalent bonds forming a network structure. These solids have very high melting points and are usually very hard and brittle. Examples of covalent network solids include diamond (carbon atoms in a tetrahedral lattice structure), quartz (silicon dioxide), and graphite.

No, the correct answer is e) Covalent network.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the different types of solids and the forces that hold them together.

a) Metallic solids consist of metal atoms held together by metallic bonds, which are the result of the delocalization of valence electrons throughout the solid.

b) Ionic solids consist of positively and negatively charged ions held together by electrostatic forces. These forces are much stronger than dipole-dipole forces, London dispersion forces, or hydrogen bonds.

c) Covalent solids, also known as molecular solids, consist of atoms or molecules held together by covalent bonds. However, the forces involved in covalent solids are not only just covalent bonds, but they can also include dipole-dipole forces, London dispersion forces, and/or hydrogen bonds.

d) Metallic and covalent network solids are not referring to the same type of solid. Metallic solids, as mentioned earlier, consist of metal atoms held together by metallic bonds. Covalent network solids, on the other hand, consist of a network of covalent bonds extending throughout the entire crystal structure.

e) Covalent network solids consist of a three-dimensional network of covalent bonds that extend throughout the entire solid. Examples of covalent network solids include diamond (carbon atoms) and quartz (silicon dioxide).

In this case, the correct answer is e) Covalent network because covalent network solids are composed of atoms or molecules held together by dipole-dipole forces, London dispersion forces, and/or hydrogen bonds.