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Multiple Choice
j + 150 × 50 is a(n) ______ expression, because ______.
(1 point)

numerical expression;  it consists of only numbers
numerical expression;  it consists of only numbers

numerical expression;  it consists of operation symbols
numerical expression;  it consists of operation symbols

algebraic expression;  it consists of numbers and a variable
algebraic expression;  it consists of numbers and a variable

algebraic expression;  it has more than one operation symbol
algebraic expression;  it has more than one operation symbol
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The answer to this question is "numerical expression; it consists of operation symbols."

To determine this, let's break down the given expression j + 150 × 50 step by step:

1. Start with the operation of multiplication: 150 × 50. This operation involves two numbers, 150 and 50, and the multiplication symbol (×), making it a numerical expression.
2. The result of the multiplication, 150 × 50, is added to another number represented by the variable j. Again, this involves the addition symbol (+), making it a numerical expression.
3. Since both steps involve operation symbols (+ and ×) and numbers, the overall expression j + 150 × 50 can be classified as a numerical expression.

Therefore, the correct answer is "numerical expression; it consists of operation symbols."

The correct answer is:

"numerical expression; it consists of only numbers"

The correct answer is: algebraic expression; it consists of numbers and a variable.