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Saturn’s orbit reaches a maximum distance from the sun of 9.36 × 108 miles. Write this figure in standard form.
(1 point)

93,600,000,000 miles
93,600,000,000 miles

9,360,000,000 miles
9,360,000,000 miles

936,000,000 miles
936,000,000 miles

93,600,000 miles
93,600,000 miles
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The correct answer is: 9,360,000,000 miles

To write the figure in standard form, you should express it as a number between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of 10. The figure given, 9.36 × 10^8 miles, is already in standard form. So the correct answer is 9,360,000,000 miles, which corresponds to option 2.

To write the figure 9.36 × 108 miles in standard form, you move the decimal point to the right until you have a number between 1 and 10, and then multiply it by a power of 10. In this case, you move the decimal point 8 places to the right, so the answer is 9,360,000,000 miles, which is option 2: 9,360,000,000 miles.