Hey cities record high temperature is 106F and record. Low temperature is.-17f how much warmer is the cities record high temperature than the record low temperature

To determine how much warmer the record high temperature is than the record low temperature, we need to find the difference between these two temperatures.

Record High Temperature = 106°F
Record Low Temperature = -17°F

To find the difference, we subtract the record low temperature from the record high temperature:

106°F - (-17°F) = 106°F + 17°F = 123°F

Therefore, the record high temperature is 123°F warmer than the record low temperature.

To find out how much warmer the city's record high temperature is than the record low temperature, we need to subtract the record low temperature from the record high temperature.

Record high temperature: 106°F
Record low temperature: -17°F

To compare the temperatures, we need to convert -17°F to the same unit as 106°F. To do this, we can use the formula:

(°F - 32) × 5/9 = °C

Let's convert the record low temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius:
(-17°F - 32) × 5/9 = -27°C

Now let's subtract the record low temperature in Celsius from the record high temperature:

106°F - (-27°C) = 106°F + 27°C = 133°F

So, the city's record high temperature is approximately 133°F warmer than the record low temperature.

To calculate how much warmer the record high temperature is than the record low temperature, you subtract the record low temperature from the record high temperature.

The record high temperature is 106°F, and the record low temperature is -17°F. To subtract a negative number, you can add the absolute value of that number. So in this case, you would add the absolute value of -17°F, which is 17°F:

106°F - (-17°F) = 106°F + 17°F = 123°F

Therefore, the record high temperature is 123°F warmer than the record low temperature.