3. Which part of the graph shows exponential growth and a J-shaped curve?

a. B.
b. C.
c. D.
d. A.
4. On the image, the section of the curve labeled D shows that the population of organisms has exceeded the carrying capacity of the region and is in rapid decline. This is called:
a. A population crash.
b. A limiting factor.
c. An ecological tipping point.
d. An S-shaped curve.
5. Which of the following statements is TRUE? According to this graph:
a. this species of organisms began to migrate out of the area around 192
b. these organisms were likely generalists that could use various resources and could move between regions easily.
c. these organisms likely consumed all of their available resources around 1945.
d. there is an S-shaped curve at point D.

3. d. A.

4. c. An ecological tipping point.
5. b. these organisms were likely generalists that could use various resources and could move between regions easily.

3. d. A.

4. a. A population crash.
5. b. these organisms were likely generalists that could use various resources and could move between regions easily.

3. To determine which part of the graph shows exponential growth and a J-shaped curve, we need to understand the characteristics of exponential growth and a J-shaped curve. Exponential growth refers to a rapid increase in population size over time, resulting in a steep, upward-trending curve. A J-shaped curve is a specific type of exponential growth curve that starts slowly, then increases rapidly, resembling the letter "J".

Looking at the given options, we need to identify the part of the graph that exhibits these characteristics. By observing the curve shape in each option, we can see that option b) C is the part of the graph that shows exponential growth and a J-shaped curve.

4. To identify the name for the section of the curve labeled D, we need to understand the characteristics associated with it. The question states that the population has exceeded the carrying capacity of the region and is in rapid decline. In ecology, when a population surpasses the resources available in its environment, leading to a sharp decrease in population size, it is known as a population crash. Therefore, the correct answer is a) A population crash.

5. To determine the statement that is true according to the graph, we need to analyze the graph and the given options.

a) The graph does not provide information about the migration of organisms out of the area, so this statement cannot be determined from the graph.

b) The graph does not provide information about the specific characteristics of the organisms, so we cannot conclude if they were generalists or if they could move between regions easily.

c) The graph does not provide direct evidence of resource consumption, so we cannot conclude that the organisms consumed all their available resources around 1945.

d) The S-shaped curve is not present at point D on the graph. An S-shaped curve represents logistic growth, where population growth levels off due to limited resources and reaches a stable carrying capacity. This curve is not observed in the given graph.

Therefore, based on the given options, no statement can be determined as true according to the graph.