Bryce earn $32.95 at his job last weekend. He then spent $3.50 on a birthday card find 32.95+ -3.50 and interpret the sum in the context of the problem.

To find 32.95 + -3.50, you simply add the two numbers together.

So, 32.95 + -3.50 = 29.45.

In the context of the problem, this means that Bryce earned $32.95 at his job last weekend and then spent $3.50 on a birthday card. After subtracting the amount he spent, he has $29.45 remaining.

To find the sum of $32.95 and -$3.50, you add the two amounts together:

$32.95 + (-$3.50) = $29.45

In the context of the problem, this means that Bryce earned $32.95 at his job last weekend and then spent $3.50 on a birthday card. The sum of these two amounts, $29.45, represents the remaining amount of money Bryce has after buying the birthday card.

To solve the problem, you need to perform the addition operation of $32.95 and -3.50.

Step 1: Add the values
$32.95 + (-3.50)

To add these numbers, align the decimal places and add as you would with regular addition:

- 3.50

Step 2: Interpret the sum in the context of the problem.
The sum, 29.45, represents the final amount of money Bryce has after earning $32.95 and spending $3.50 on a birthday card. This means that he currently has $29.45 left.