1. A human population will increase if:

a. The number of immigrants to that population increases.
b. A group of people in that population decide to emigrate to another region.
c. A disease epidemic causes an increase in the death rate of a region.
d. Parents in that population decide to have fewer children.
2. Which of the following would NOT be considered a limiting factor for a terrestrial plant like corn?
a. Sunlight.
b. Water.
c. Presence of herbivores.
d. Availability of soil nutrients.
Use the following image to answer questions 3 - 5.

3. Which part of the graph shows exponential growth and a J-shaped curve?

a. B.
b. C.
c. D.
d. A.
4. On the image, the section of the curve labeled D shows that the population of organisms has exceeded the carrying capacity of the region and is in rapid decline. This is called:
a. A population crash.
b. A limiting factor.
c. An ecological tipping point.
d. An S-shaped curve.
5. Which of the following statements is TRUE? According to this graph:
a. this species of organisms began to migrate out of the area around 192
b. these organisms were likely generalists that could use various resources and could move between regions easily.
c. these organisms likely consumed all of their available resources around 1945.
d. there is an S-shaped curve at point D.

1. a. The number of immigrants to that population increases.

4. a. A population crash.
5. b. these organisms were likely generalists that could use various resources and could move between regions easily.

1. a. The number of immigrants to that population increases.

2. a. Sunlight.

3. d. A.

4. a. A population crash.

5. b. these organisms were likely generalists that could use various resources and could move between regions easily.

1. The correct answer is a. The number of immigrants to that population increases. To understand this, we need to consider the factors that contribute to population growth. One of these factors is immigration, which refers to individuals moving into a population from another region or country. When more individuals immigrate to a population, the total number of individuals in that population increases, leading to population growth.

To answer this question, you need to consider the different factors that can influence population size. In this case, you need to understand that immigration can contribute to population growth. This knowledge can be gained through studying demography, which is the scientific study of human populations.

2. The correct answer is c. Presence of herbivores. To determine this, we need to understand what limiting factors are. Limiting factors are environmental factors that can restrict the growth, abundance, or distribution of a population. These factors can include things like availability of resources, predators, diseases, and more.

In the case of a terrestrial plant like corn, its main limiting factors would typically be sunlight, water, and availability of soil nutrients. Corn requires sufficient sunlight for photosynthesis, adequate water for growth and development, and a nutrient-rich soil to obtain the necessary nutrients. While the presence of herbivores might impact the plant's growth, it is not usually considered a limiting factor for corn.

To answer this question, you need to have knowledge of plant biology and understand the typical limiting factors that affect plant growth, specifically for corn.

3. The correct answer is b. C. To determine this, we need to understand what exponential growth and a J-shaped curve signify on a population growth graph.

Exponential growth refers to a rapid and unlimited population growth, where the population size increases exponentially over time. This is typically represented by a J-shaped curve on a graph, where the population starts slowly, then accelerates and increases rapidly.

Looking at the graph, we can see that section C corresponds to exponential growth with a J-shaped curve. This section shows a rapid increase in population size over time.

To answer this question, you need to analyze the graph and understand the relationship between population growth and the shape of the curve.

4. The correct answer is a. A population crash. To determine this, we need to understand what the section labeled D on the curve signifies.

Section D indicates a rapid decline in population size after it has exceeded the carrying capacity of the region. This indicates that the resources available in the region cannot support the population, leading to a decline in population size. This is often referred to as a population crash.

To answer this question, you need to understand the concept of carrying capacity and its relationship to population growth. You also need to recognize the pattern of decline in population size on the graph.

5. The correct answer is c. These organisms likely consumed all of their available resources around 1945. To determine this, we need to analyze the graph and make conclusions based on the pattern observed.

The graph shows a population growth pattern that follows an S-shaped curve. This curve indicates an initial slow growth, followed by a rapid expansion and eventual stabilization of the population near the carrying capacity of the environment. Point D on the graph represents the point of stabilization.

Based on this information, we can conclude that around 1945, the population of organisms likely reached its carrying capacity, which means it had consumed all available resources and stabilized. This is in line with the S-shaped growth pattern.

To answer this question, you need to analyze the graph and interpret the patterns observed in population growth and stabilization.