How much less than 90 is the sum of 28 1/12 and 54 1/12

To find the sum of 28 1/12 and 54 1/12, we add the whole numbers and the fractions separately:

28 + 54 = 82
1/12 + 1/12 = 2/12
We can simplify 2/12 by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 2, which gives us 1/6.
So, the sum of 28 1/12 and 54 1/12 is 82 1/6.
To find how much less than 90 this sum is, we subtract it from 90:
90 - 82 1/6 = 7 5/6.
Therefore, the sum of 28 1/12 and 54 1/12 is 7 5/6 less than 90.

To find the sum of 28 1/12 and 54 1/12, we can add the whole numbers and the fractions separately.

First, let's add the whole numbers:
28 + 54 = 82

Next, let's add the fractions:
1/12 + 1/12 = 2/12 = 1/6

Now, let's add the whole numbers and the fractions together:
82 + 1/6

To find how much less than 90 this sum is, subtract the sum from 90:
90 - (82 + 1/6)

To add a whole number with a fraction, we need to convert the whole number into a fraction by giving it a denominator of 1:
90 - (82 + 1/6) = 90 - (82 + 1/6 * 6/6) = 90 - (82 + 6/6) = 90 - (82 + 6/6) = 90 - (82 + 6/6 * 1) = 90 - (82 + 6/6) = 90 - (82 + 6/6) = 90 - (82 + 1) = 90 - 83 = 7

Therefore, the sum of 28 1/12 and 54 1/12 is 82 1/6 and it is 7 less than 90.

To find how much less than 90 the sum of 28 1/12 and 54 1/12 is, we need to calculate the sum first.

To add mixed numbers, you can follow these steps:
1. Convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions.
2. Add the fractions together.
3. Simplify the resulting fraction, if possible.
4. Convert the resulting fraction back to a mixed number, if needed.

Let's begin by converting 28 1/12 and 54 1/12 into improper fractions:
28 1/12 = (12 * 28 + 1) / 12 = 337/12
54 1/12 = (12 * 54 + 1) / 12 = 649/12

Now, let's add the two fractions together:
337/12 + 649/12 = (337 + 649) / 12 = 986/12

Simplifying the fraction, we can divide the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 2:
986/12 = (2 * 493) / (2 * 6) = 493/6

Now, we need to convert the resulting fraction back to a mixed number:
493 รท 6 = 82 with a remainder of 1

So, the sum of 28 1/12 and 54 1/12 is 82 1/6.

To find how much less than 90 this sum is, we subtract it from 90:
90 - 82 1/6 = 90 - (82 + 1/6)

To subtract mixed numbers, follow these steps:
1. Find the difference of the whole numbers.
2. Subtract the fractions, borrowing if necessary.
3. Simplify the resulting fraction, if needed.
4. Combine the whole number and fraction, if applicable.

Working it out:
90 - (82 + 1/6) = 90 - 82 - 1/6 = 8 - 1/6

To subtract fractions, the denominators must be the same:
8 = 8/1

Now, let's subtract the fractions:
8/1 - 1/6 = (8 * 6 - 1) / 6 = 47/6

Since the resulting fraction cannot be simplified further, we have:
8 - 1/6 = 47/6

Therefore, the sum of 28 1/12 and 54 1/12 is 82 1/6, which is 47/6 less than 90.