Multiple Choice You have two boxes of colored pens. The first box contains a red pen, a blue pen, and a green pen. The second box contains a yellow pen, a red pen, and a black pen. What is the set that represents all the pens? (1 point) Responses {red pen, blue pen, green pen} {red pen, blue pen, green pen} {red pen} {red pen} {red pen, red pen, green pen, yellow pen, black pen} {red pen, red pen, green pen, yellow pen, black pen} {red pen, blue pen, green pen, yellow pen, black pen}

{red pen, blue pen, green pen, yellow pen, black pen}

The set that represents all the pens is {red pen, blue pen, green pen, yellow pen, black pen}.

The set that represents all the pens is {red pen, blue pen, green pen, yellow pen, black pen}. This set includes all the pens from both boxes. To find the set, you just need to combine the individual pens from each box without duplicates. So, you include the red pen, blue pen, and green pen from the first box, and the yellow pen and black pen from the second box. Note that the other answer options are incorrect because they either miss some pens or include duplicate pens.