__ what is exponent in equivalent form if the base
7⁶ 7?

The exponent in the equivalent form if the base is 7 is 6.

To find the equivalent exponent form of a base, we need to express the given base with the desired exponent. In this case, we have the base 7 and we want to express it as 7ⁿ, where n is the desired exponent.

To do this, we can observe that 7⁶ is given and we want to find the exponent n that would result in the base 7. So, we need to solve for n.

In this case, we can equate the given base 7 to the base in 7⁶:

7⁶ = 7ⁿ

To find the value of n, we can compare the exponents on both sides. Since the bases are the same, we can conclude that the exponents must also be equal:

6 = n

Hence, the equivalent exponent form of the base 7 is 7⁶ if the base is 7.

To find the exponent in equivalent form for a base of 7 in 7⁹, we need to express 7⁹ in terms of 7 as the base.

When we raise 7 to the power of 9, the equivalent form is 7⁹ = 7 × 7 × 7 × 7 × 7 × 7 × 7 × 7 × 7.

Simplifying the expression, we have 7⁹ = 7⁶ × 7³.

So, the exponent in the equivalent form of 7⁹ when the base is 7 is 6.