Mention the names of five scientist with their inventions or discovery

1. Thomas Edison - Invention of the practical electric light bulb

2. Sir Isaac Newton - Discovery of the laws of motion and universal gravitation
3. Marie Curie - Discovery of radioactivity and isolation of radium and polonium
4. Albert Einstein - Theory of relativity and mass-energy equivalence (E = mc²)
5. Alexander Graham Bell - Invention of the telephone

Sure! Here are the names of five scientists along with their notable inventions or discoveries:

1. Isaac Newton: Laws of Motion, Universal Gravitation, Calculus.
2. Marie Curie: Radioactivity, Polonium and Radium.
3. Albert Einstein: Theory of Relativity, E=mc².
4. Alexander Fleming: Penicillin, Antibiotics.
5. Nikola Tesla: Alternating Current (AC), Tesla Coil, Wireless Power Transmission.

Note: These are just a few examples, and each of these scientists made numerous other contributions to their respective fields.

Sure! Here are the names of five scientists along with their notable inventions or discoveries:

1. Isaac Newton: Newton's three laws of motion, universal gravitation, calculus.
You can find this information by researching famous scientists or looking up Isaac Newton's contributions to the field of physics.

2. Albert Einstein: Theory of relativity, mass-energy equivalence (E=mc^2).
You can learn about Albert Einstein's discoveries by studying the field of physics or searching for his major contributions to science.

3. Marie Curie: Radioactivity, discovery of radium and polonium.
You can find information about Marie Curie's discoveries in the field of radioactivity by researching her life or looking up her contributions to science.

4. Thomas Edison: Phonograph, practical electric light bulb.
To learn about Thomas Edison's inventions, you can search for his contributions to the field of electricity and technology.

5. Louis Pasteur: Pasteurization, germ theory of disease.
Information about Louis Pasteur's discoveries can be found by studying microbiology or researching his work on preventing diseases caused by microorganisms.

Remember, conducting research is a great way to discover more in-depth information about these scientists and their inventions or discoveries.