Of the following traits, which one is inherited?

eye color
eye color



riding a bike

eye color

Of the traits mentioned, eye color is inherited. To understand why eye color is inherited, you need to understand the concept of genetics. Eye color is determined by specific genes that are passed down from parents to offspring.

The genes responsible for eye color are located on chromosomes, which are long strands of DNA found in the nucleus of our cells. Each chromosome contains many genes, and these genes carry instructions for various characteristics, including eye color.

Eye color is determined by the amount and type of pigment called melanin present in the front part of the iris, the colored part of the eye. The genes for eye color influence the production and distribution of melanin in the iris.

There are several genes involved in eye color inheritance, but the main one is called OCA2. It plays a significant role in determining the amount of melanin produced, which affects the final eye color. Other genes can also influence eye color, such as HERC2.

The inheritance of eye color follows a complex pattern, but typically it is determined by a combination of genetic information from both parents. For example, if both parents have blue eyes, it is more likely that their child will also have blue eyes. However, eye color can vary even among siblings due to the inheritance of different combinations of genes from the parents.

It's important to note that eye color inheritance can be influenced by other factors as well, including genetic mutations, but the overall tendency is that eye color is an inherited trait.

Of the traits mentioned, eye color, reading, and writing can all be inherited. Riding a bike, however, is a skill that is typically learned rather than inherited genetically.