What are some of the ways citizens of the United States rely on their government? Select all that apply.

(2 points)

for military protection
for military protection

for free healthcare
for free healthcare

for private education
for private education

to ensure products are made safely
to ensure products are made safely

to maintain safe highways
to maintain safe highways

to provide jobs

for military protection

to ensure products are made safely
to maintain safe highways
to provide jobs

To determine the ways citizens of the United States rely on their government, we can analyze each response option one by one.

1. For military protection: Citizens rely on the government to provide national defense and protect the country from external threats. This includes maintaining armed forces, conducting military operations, and ensuring national security.

2. For free healthcare: While the government does provide healthcare services through programs like Medicaid and Medicare, it is not accurate to say that all citizens rely on the government for free healthcare. Healthcare in the United States is primarily delivered through private providers and insurance companies, with government assistance for certain populations.

3. For private education: Private education is not a service provided by the government. It is mainly provided by privately owned schools or institutions, which are funded through tuition fees or other private means. Therefore, citizens do not rely on the government for private education.

4. To ensure products are made safely: The government plays a regulatory role in ensuring the safety of products in the market. Through agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), they establish and enforce safety standards and regulations to protect consumers.

5. To maintain safe highways: Citizens rely on the government to maintain and improve the nation's infrastructure, including highways. The government is responsible for building, repairing, and maintaining roads, bridges, and highways to ensure safe transportation.

6. To provide jobs: While the government can create job opportunities through public sector employment, it is not the sole provider of jobs for citizens. Job availability is influenced by various factors, including private sector growth, economic conditions, and industry demands.

Based on the explanations provided, the ways citizens of the United States rely on their government include:
- For military protection
- To ensure products are made safely
- To maintain safe highways

Citizens of the United States rely on their government in the following ways:

1. for military protection
2. to ensure products are made safely
3. to maintain safe highways
4. to provide jobs