Scientists think modern humans migrated along the routes shown on the map. What could explain their movement? * 1 point They moved in search of shelter. They moved in search of tools. They moved in search of food supplies. They moved in search of technology

The most accurate response among the options provided is: They moved in search of food supplies.

The most likely reason for the movement of modern humans along the depicted routes on the map would be the search for food supplies. Humans are known to be adaptable and resourceful, so it is plausible that they followed the available resources in their environments and migrated to areas where they could find sufficient food for survival. While the other options of shelter, tools, and technology are important factors for human advancement, the primary driver behind human migration has historically been the need to secure enough food to sustain themselves and their communities.

To determine what could explain the movement of modern humans along the routes shown on the map, it is important to consider various factors. Scientists have extensively researched and theorized about human migration based on multiple lines of evidence including archeological findings, genetic studies, and climate change patterns. One commonly accepted explanation is the search for food supplies.

Humans are known to have migrated in search of better hunting grounds and access to different food sources. As early hunter-gatherers, they followed animal herds and migrated to areas with abundant vegetation and water sources. This movement was driven by the need for sustenance and the constant pursuit of food resources for survival.

Additionally, climatic changes and environmental factors could have played a significant role in human migration. Changes in temperature, precipitation patterns, and the availability of resources in different regions would have influenced the movement of early humans. They likely followed favorable climatic conditions that allowed them to thrive and find more abundant food supplies.

It is worth noting that the search for shelter and the quest for tools and technology were undoubtedly important factors for human migration as well. Finding suitable shelter and developing tools were essential for survival and adapting to different environments. However, the primary driver of human migration is widely believed to be the search for reliable food supplies.

By examining archeological evidence, genetic studies, and considering the impact of environmental factors such as climate change, scientists have pieced together a comprehensive understanding of human migration patterns. The movement of modern humans along the routes shown on the map can be attributed to their search for food supplies, as supported by the available scientific knowledge.