Write the equations: Two of Julie’s textbooks are a total of $65. The difference in price between the two books is $9. What is the cost of each book?

Let ___ = _____________
Let ___=______________

Let x = the cost of the first textbook

Let y = the cost of the second textbook

Based on the given information, we can set up the following equations:
Equation 1: x + y = 65 (the total cost of the two textbooks is $65)
Equation 2: x - y = 9 (the difference in price between the two books is $9)

Let x = the cost of the first textbook

Let y = the cost of the second textbook

From the given information, we can create two equations to represent the situation:

Equation 1: "Two of Julie’s textbooks are a total of $65"
x + y = 65

Equation 2: "The difference in price between the two books is $9"
x - y = 9

Now, we can solve this system of equations to find the values of x and y.

Let x = the cost of one textbook

Let y = the cost of the other textbook

x + y = $65
x - y = $9

These are the two equations representing the given information.