0.25 x 0.84

The answer is 0.21

To calculate the product of 0.25 and 0.84, you multiply the two numbers together.

Step 1: Write down the numbers:
0.25 x 0.84

Step 2: Multiply the numbers:
0.25 x 0.84 = 0.21

To calculate 0.25 x 0.84, you multiply the two numbers together.

Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Write down the two numbers you want to multiply: 0.25 and 0.84.
2. Multiply the first digit of the first number (0.25) by the second digit of the second number (0.84). In this case, it would be: 0.2 x 0.04 = 0.008.
3. Multiply the second digit of the first number (0.25) by the first digit of the second number (0.84). In this case, it would be: 0.05 x 0.8 = 0.04.
4. Add the results from steps 2 and 3 together: 0.008 + 0.04 = 0.048.

So, 0.25 x 0.84 = 0.048.