Decide whether each underlined word is a direct object or an indirect object.

At the time of the Chinese New Year, people honor their ancestors.

Families clean their homes to sweep away bad luck.

People give children red envelopes filled with money.

Families wish their relatives “fortune, health, and happiness”.

At the time of the Chinese New Year, people honor their ancestors. (direct object)

Families clean their homes to sweep away bad luck. (direct object)

People give children red envelopes filled with money. (direct object)

Families wish their relatives “fortune, health, and happiness”. (indirect object)

In the given sentences, the underlined words are:

1. "Ancestors" is an indirect object. It is the recipient of the honor.
2. "Homes" is a direct object. It is the object being cleaned.
3. "Red envelopes" is a direct object. It is the object being given.
4. "Relatives" is an indirect object. It is the recipient of the wishes.

To determine whether the underlined words are direct objects or indirect objects, we need to understand the function of direct and indirect objects in a sentence.

A direct object is a noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb directly. It answers the question "who" or "what" after the verb.

An indirect object is a noun or pronoun that indirectly receives the action of the verb. It usually comes before the direct object and answers the question "to whom" or "for whom" the action is done.

Let's analyze each sentence:

1. At the time of the Chinese New Year, people honor their ancestors.
- In this sentence, "ancestors" is the direct object because it receives the action of the verb "honor." It answers the question "who" is honored.

2. Families clean their homes to sweep away bad luck.
- In this sentence, "homes" is the direct object because it receives the action of the verb "clean." It answers the question "what" is cleaned. There is no indirect object in this sentence.

3. People give children red envelopes filled with money.
- In this sentence, "children" is the indirect object because it indirectly receives the action of the verb "give." It answers the question "to whom" the red envelopes are given. There is no direct object in this sentence.

4. Families wish their relatives "fortune, health, and happiness."
- In this sentence, "relatives" is the indirect object because it indirectly receives the action of the verb "wish." It answers the question "to whom" the wishes are directed. There is no direct object in this sentence.

To summarize:
Sentence 1: Direct object - "ancestors"
Sentence 2: Direct object - "homes"
Sentence 3: Indirect object - "children"
Sentence 4: Indirect object - "relatives"