Identify the parts of this sentence.

Children and adults prepare for the holiday by decorating their homes with symbols of springtime.

What is the subject of the sentence?

What is the simple predicate of the sentence?

What is the complete predicate of the sentence?

Subject: Children and adults

Simple predicate: prepare
Complete predicate: prepare for the holiday by decorating their homes with symbols of springtime.

Subject: Children and adults

Simple predicate: prepare

Complete predicate: prepare for the holiday by decorating their homes with symbols of springtime.

To identify the parts of the sentence, we first need to understand the basic sentence structure.

The subject of a sentence is the noun or pronoun that the sentence is about. It usually answers the question "who" or "what" is performing the action.

The simple predicate, also known as the verb, is the main action or state of being in the sentence. It tells us what the subject is doing or the state of the subject.

The complete predicate includes the verb along with any objects or modifiers that complete the action or provide more information.

In the sentence "Children and adults prepare for the holiday by decorating their homes with symbols of springtime,"

The subject is "Children and adults." It refers to the people who are performing the action of preparing for the holiday.

The simple predicate is "prepare." It tells us what the subject is doing.

The complete predicate is "prepare for the holiday by decorating their homes with symbols of springtime." It includes the verb "prepare" along with the prepositional phrase "for the holiday" and the verb phrase "by decorating their homes with symbols of springtime." It provides more information about how the subject is preparing for the holiday.

So, to answer your specific questions:

The subject of the sentence is "Children and adults."

The simple predicate of the sentence is "prepare."

The complete predicate of the sentence is "prepare for the holiday by decorating their homes with symbols of springtime."